Vulnerabilitat de les comunitats bentòniques a l'impacte de la pesca d'arrossegament: estudi dels caladors de Blanes

Illa López, Laia
Trawling has a negative impact in marine ecosystems through habitat destruction and species reduction in benthic communities, among other effects. Trawling disturbance eliminates the most vulnerable species, while the species with advantageous biological traits are favoured. In this Final Project I have focused on the study of the epifauna's communities vulnerability respect trawling impact. The study was carried out in the fishing ground of Fluviana and Capets, both located in the north-west Mediterranean sea. The species have been classified in categories of 5 biological traits - position on substrata, feeding type, mobility, size (cm) and fragility-. At the same time, a value from 0 to 3 was given in each category, according to its vulnerability to trawling. From the species clustering with the same total vulnerability score 5 functional groups indicators were formed. Results shows that both disturbed area present a high abundance of mobile and small scavengers and predators located on the surface. The vulnerability to trawling of species with these biological traits is low, so their presence is related with trawling impact. On one hand, Fluviana is characterizated as a crinoids bottom that become this fishing ground in a essential habitat for recruits and juveniles from commercial species. It has a high abundance of Leptometra phanlgium and Antedon mediterranea, filter and sessile species, and also sea urchins, indicator species and vulnerables to trawling. On the other hand, Capets is a muddy bottom that present different species with high vulnerability but common in this kind of muddy habitat. Nevertheless, the calculation of Trawling Disturbance Index (TDI) shows both benthic communities with a similar intensity of trawling disturbance. Each habitat needs a specific management according to its physical characteristics and biological characteristics from the community. Therefore, the study based on some biological traits allows to increase the information about the possible species responds to trawling impact ​
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