Establir i mantenir normes i rutines a l'aula: una proposta de treball pels Graus de mestre
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The main objective of this work is to develop activities and proposals to work on the competence to establish and
maintain rules and routines in the classroom in grades of teaching studies. To achieve this, a discussion group was
created with 6 teachers of preschool and primary education, and later a discussion group with 19 teachers and
university professors, who were asked a series of questions. These questions were mainly intended to raise the
knowledge, behaviors and attitudes that future teachers need to acquire to improve this competence, as well as how
to do it. Based on the proposals from these groups, four activities were carried out with 35 students of the 1st grade
of teaching studies in the University of Girona. After the activities, the students completed a questionnaire about
them, and their answers were used to extract the conclusions and proposals of this work about how to improve the
students’ competence to establish and maintain rules and routines in the classroom