Promoviendo la educación matemática inclusiva desde el Enfoque de los Itinerarios de Enseñanza de las Matemáticas: el caso de las fracciones
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The design, construction and validation of an inclusive teaching fractions itinerary for 5th grade of
Primary Education (10-11 years) is described, both for students with learning difficulties and with mathematical
talent. The itinerary, which has been designed based on the Mathematics Teaching Itineraries Approach (EIEM, by
its acronym in Spanish), has been validated by 7 experts and 14 in-service Primary Education’ teachers, who have
also valued the effectiveness of the itinerary to attend to the diversity. On the one hand, both experts and in-service
teachers have proposed changes in the correspondence, formulation and relevance of the itinerary activities; on the
other hand, the teachers have considered that the activities allow addressing diversity. It is concluded that this tool
contributes to developing the mathematical competence of all students, based on the basis that to empower this
competence it is necessary to diversify the teaching-learning contexts