La adquisición de conocimientos matemáticos intuitivos e informales en la Escuela Infantil: el papel de los materiales manipulativos

This article analyses the role played by manipulative material in the inicial acquisition of the intuitive and informal mathematical knowledge. Intuitive and informal mathematics refer to the knowledge that children learn through their experiences, and these form the fundamental basis for learning mathematics in the school. Fifteen children between 1 and 3 years old from a local authority nursery school in Girona (Spain) participated in the study. The pedagogical documentation technique was used to analyse and understand, from a mathematical perspective, the actions carried out by the children when handling two different types of material: marketed plastic material already present in the classroom (silicone blocks) and structured logic material made of wood and designed for the study (colour balls). The results show that the children carry out actions tallied with the sensorial qualities, quantities, geometries and sizes of the material with both types of material used, although the frequency is higher in the case of the colour balls. The article concludes that materials influence the acquisition of initial mathematical knowledge in different ways, and therefore criteria should be established for their selection, and for proper planning and classroom management. Among these criteria, we noted the time that the material is present in the classroom, the presentation or the type of material ​
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