Els petits municipis són espais privilegiats per l’aprofundiment democràtic i la participació ciutadana?

Although a large part of the population concentrates in the cities, most municipalities in Catalonia are small. Small municipalities councils have some advantages such as proximity or knowledge of their reality and some limitations as their operational or financial capacity. How does all this affect the relationship between the institution and the citizens? How is citizen participation in small municipalities? This article, based on in-depth interviews with politicians and workers from 8 different town councils of municipalities between 2,000 and 5,000 inhabitants, examines the type of participation that takes place there and its characteristics. The results show how all cases do citizen participation, albeit to very different degrees. Most participatory processes are related to changes in urban planning, consultations are becoming more frequent and informality plays a relevant role. In fact, in some cases, informal participation has become a method that accompanies most of the decisions taken by the City Council ​
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