Nuevos retos para la salud de la democracia: triple crisis española y cambios económicos, sociales y culturales

The global movement, which began with the Seattle revolt in 1999, is the starting point of a new era in which to materialize important productive, social and cultural transformations in progress. This international epochal change overlaps with the exhaustion of a political cycle in Spanish contemporary history that ranges from the approval of the Constitution (1978) to the emergence of the Spanish triple crisis from 2008. This article analyzes this economic, political and territorial crisis as well as the background currents that originate them. We want to focus on assessing the health of democracy. To advance this objective, a double exercise has been carried out. On the one hand, characterize the Spanish political culture during the 30 years of stability and describe the transformations that occur in it from the turn of the millennium. On the other hand, explore forms of participation that go beyond representative democracy and that are experienced since the democratic recovery ​
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