Currículum competencial y educación artística en secundaria: resultados de una experiencia de cocreación basada en el ABP
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This article presents the results of an interdisciplinary project in the second cycle of ESO, developed in the curricular competence framework and oriented towards a co-creation process. The experience, which focuses on the ABP methodology, interrelates music, visual arts and a foreign language (English). In pa- rallel to the educational project, a quasi-experimental exploratory research was designed, with a final descriptive and interpretative phase. The sample consisted of students from 3rd and 4th years of ESO (n = 109) studying in two centers in the same geographical environment. A pre-test and post-test, previously validated, were used to answer these two research topics: 1) The value students give to interdisciplinary work, and 2) the benefits of cooperative work developed through a creative challenge. The results, after the data analysis, indicate that students value interdisciplinarity in a positive way, and that cooperative work is particularly effective for the inclusion of students with poor school results. The discussion debates about the contribution of project-based learning (PBL) as a method related to competency curriculum and, in turn, as a collective challenge that requires coherence, internal organization and high involvement of the participants