Catalan gastronomy in the province of Girona: a study of tourists’ awareness of gastronomy and the available gastronomic options in accommodations

Tourists are interested in getting to know the gastronomy of the destinations. Those tourists who visit the Costa Brava are confused with the knowledge of Catalan cuisine. Based on this observation, the web pages of the lodgings in the province of Girona are analysed to see if the typical 2/2 regional food is served, and the hoteliers are surveyed to find out what they are offering on Catalan cuisine. The results show: little interest in offering regional cuisine, but still far from what is necessary for the tourist to know the traditional cuisine; and scarce willingness to show the gastronomic offer through the network, so the tourist may have difficulty in finding information on the food that can be enjoyed at the destination. This contrasts with the efforts made by different tourism promotion agents to publicize Catalan gastronomy ​
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