La violencia intrafamiliar con mirada de género

Morad Haydar, Pilar
Hamodi, Carolina
Salazar, Ariana
Rodríguez, Mercedes
Jiménez, Carmenza
Texto Completo
The main purpose of this work is to show the results of an investigation, it seeks to un-derstand the sociocultural constructions that replicate violence into families and to iden-tify the definition about masculinity and femininity associated with family violence by masculine and feminine aggressors. Participants performed 19 interviews to victims of domestic violence, aggressors and custodian of the victims. Results found charges show that essential sociocultural constructions that prolong this violence are: patriarchal ima-ginaries, feminization of domestic work, imaginary about motherhood, reproduction of violence lived in childhood, imaginary about masculinity, economic relations of inequality and dependence, as well as pathologies such as zelotypia or alcohol intake ​
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