Avançant en la vida independent de les persones amb discapacitat: el rol dels professionals de suport = Avanzando en la vida independiente de las personas con discapacidad: el rol de los profesionales de apoyo

This article sets out to compare the perceptions of socio-educational professionals engaged in offe-ring support to people with intellectual disabili-ties in different housing contexts in Catalonia. A number of professionals were asked to give their perceptions of the functions they perform, of the participation of the person receiving support in making decisions on matters that affect them, of the client’s social network and of their own role as professionals in the social inclusion of the people who receive support. The data were collected by means of semi-structured interviews and a focus group, and have been analyzed using thematic content analysis strategies. The results indicate the willingness of the professionals to advance in support practices based on active listening to the client, on the empowerment of the client’s auto-nomy and on the commitment to respect the client’s decisions. They also highlight the main obstacles encountered in seeking to offer personalized sup-port and, in the case of people living at home, the high number of these who share the dwelling. On the whole the professionals surveyed identified a need to take more actions to strengthen the social networks of the people who receive support ​
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