Advanced underwater vehicle manipulation through real-time motion planning

Youakim Isaac, Dina Nagui
A key challenge in autonomous mobile manipulation is the ability to determine in real-time how to safely execute complex tasks when placed in an unknown world. In response to those arising needs in the underwater domain, this thesis focused on investigating the use of Motion Planning to increase the autonomy of I-AUVs. we initially present a modeling and integration of our I-AUV through MoveIt! framework, in the presence of virtual obstacles. Then, we performed a deep analysis of the state of the art motion planning techniques. Later, we identified planner specifications for underwater intervention: Real-Time response for a high DOF system, Consistency, Efficient trajectories in terms of safety, and system loose coupling. As a consequence, we propose a new motion planning algorithm under the umbrella of search-based method, that exploits the loose coupling nature of an I-AUV while generating consistent, efficient, and safe trajectories in unknown environments. The proposed algorithm has been validated both in simulation and in a water tank ​
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