Un modelo para la enseñanza de la notación numérica y lingüística en Educación Infantil a partir del análisis de la práctica del profesorado

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The objectives of this study are: a) to analyze teaching practice of Early Childhood Education inservice teachers in relation to the teaching of numerical and linguistic notation; b) on the basis of the results obtained, to design a teaching model of these systems of representation valid for initial and ongoing teacher training. Data was obtained through questionnaires administered to 59 teachers from different parts of Spain who attended a teacher training course. The results show that: a) teachers hold different views about what, how and when to teach both notation systems; b) these views are often inconsistent with psychoevolutionary and curricular aspects. The triangulation of this data with the findings of preliminary has resulted in the proposal of a model under the auspices of realistic learning to improve the teaching of numerical and linguistic notation in Early Childhood Education. The model proposes six phases: 1) Verbalisation of own ideas; 2) Contrasting of one’s own ideas with knowledge required for teaching: psychoevolutionary and curricular aspects; 3) Observation of own practice and joint reflection; 4) Formulation of probing questions; 5) Well-informed design of new teaching practices; 6) Evaluation of new practices for improving teaching ​
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