La llengua catalana a l'escola, entre la repressió i la resistència (1715-2018). De l'Associació Protectora de l'Ensenyança Catalana als Premis Baldiri Reixac d'estímul a l'escola en català

Pujol i Fabrelles, David
The present doctoral thesis, which combines compilation with research, aims to give an insight into the presence of the Catalan language in schools over the last three hundred years. Needless to say, it pays special attention to the periods and topics that have not been given much consideration by other authors. The current study has gathered data about the main attacks suffered by Catalan schools over the last three centuries. It also describes in detail the precedents of the Catalanisation of schools during the second half of the 19th century and during the first third of the 20th century. A thorough and comprehensive study of the editorial and propagandistic work piece by Associació Protectora de l’Ensenyança Catalana, from its inception until today, has been undertaken, too. Finally, there is a summary of the cultural and civic resistance during Franco’s regime, as well as an analysis and contextualisation of the Premis Baldiri Reixac, within the framework of the reintroduction of Catalan at schools during the democratic period, especially from 1978 onwards ​
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