Crèdit i morositat a la Catalunya del segle XIV. El cas de la baronia de Llagostera

Sales i Favà, Lluís
This doctoral thesis analyses the private credit available to the popular classes during the fourteenth century. At the same time, it focuses on the institutional mechanisms granted by public powers in order to sanction this credit, but also to pursue non-payment. The case study chosen is the barony of Llagostera, in north-eastern Catalonia. The main data used for the investigation is drawn from the notarial series preserved for the territory, as well as from the court records of the local jurisdictional court. In the first instance, primary sources are explored, placing special emphasis on court records. In a second block we present the main financial products available to the population of the territory, namely the ‘comandes de bestiar’ (cattle-leasing agreements), the financed purchases of cloth, and the so-called ‘crèdit censal’ (i.e. the local rentes viagères). Finally, in the third block of the thesis we present the coercive mechanisms by which jurisdictional lordships provided legal security to the financial market ​
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