Helium–Xenon mixtures to improve the topological signature in high pressure gas xenon TPCs

Felkai, R.
Monrabal Capilla, Francesc
González-Díaz, Diego
Sorel, Michel
López-March, N.
Gómez Cadenas, Juan José
Adams, C.
Álvarez Puerta, Vicente
Arazi, L.
Azevedo, C.D.R.
Benlloch Rodríguez, J.M.
Borges, Filipa I.G.M.
Botas, A.
Cárcel García, Sara
Carrión, J.V.
Cebrián, Susana
Conde, Carlos A.N.
Díaz Medina, José
Diesburg, M.
Escada, J.
Esteve, Raúl
Fernandes, L.M.P.
Ferrario, Paola
Ferreira, Antonio Luis
Freitas, Elisabete D.C.
Goldschmidt, Azriel
Guenette, R.
Gutiérrez, Rafael María
Hafidi, K.
Hauptman, John M.
Henriques, C.A.O.
Hernández, Andrés I.
Hernando Morata, J.A.
Herrero, Vicente
Johnston, S.
Jones, Benjamin J.P.
Labarga, Luis A.
Laing, Andrew
Lebrun, P.
Losada, Marta
Martín-Albo Simón, Justo
Martínez Lema, Gonzalo
Martínez Pérez, Alberto
McDonald, Alison D.
Monteiro, Cristina M.B.
Mora, Francisco José
Moutinho, L.M.
Muñoz Vidal, J.
Musti, M.
Nebot Guinot, Miquel
Novella, P.
Nygren, David R.
Palmeiro, B.
Para, A.
Pérez, Javier Martin
Querol, M.
Renner, Joshua
Repond, J.
Riordan, S.
Romo-Luque, C.
Rogers, L.
Santos, Filomena P.
dos Santos, Joaquim M.F.
Simón Estévez, Ander
Sofka, C.
Stiegler, T.
Toledo, J.F.
Torrent Collell, Jordi
Tsamalaidze, Zviadi
Veloso, João F.C.A.
Webb, R.C.
White, James T.
Yahlali Haddou, Nadia
Within the framework of xenon-based double beta decay experiments, we propose the possibility to improve the background rejection of an electroluminescent Time Projection Chamber (EL TPC) by reducing the diffusion of the drifting electrons while keeping nearly intact the energy resolution of a pure xenon EL TPC. Based on state-of-the-art microscopic simulations, a substantial addition of helium, around 10 or 15 %, may reduce drastically the transverse diffusion down to 2.5 mm/m from the 10.5 mm/m of pure xenon. The longitudinal diffusion remains around 4 mm/m. Light production studies have been performed as well. They show that the relative variation in energy resolution introduced by such a change does not exceed a few percent, which leaves the energy resolution practically unchanged. The technical caveats of using photomultipliers close to an helium atmosphere are also discussed in detail ​
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