Description and commissioning of NEXT-MM prototype: first results from operation in a Xenon-Trimethylamine gas mixture
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A technical description of NEXT-MM and its commissioning and first performance is reported. Having an active volume of ~ 35 cm drift × 28 cm diameter, it constitutes the largest Micromegas-read TPC operated in Xenon ever constructed, made by a sectorial arrangement of the 4 largest single wafers manufactured with the Microbulk technique to date. It is equipped with a suitably pixelized readout and with a sufficiently large sensitive volume ( ~ 23 l) so as to contain long ( ~ 20 cm) electron tracks. First results obtained at 1 bar for Xenon and Trymethylamine (Xe-(2%)TMA) mixture are presented. The TPC can accurately reconstruct extended background tracks. An encouraging full-width half-maximum of 11.6 % was obtained for ~ 29 keV gammas without resorting to any data post-processing
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