L'ensenyament i aprenentatge de la lectura a l'educació infantil: replantejament a la formació inicial a partir de l'aprenentage realista-reflexiu
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This PhD dissertation represents the building, rebuilding and transformation of the didactic knowledge in reading. The purpose is to observe the changes in didactic models done by the students when entering in the reading didactics proposal using teaching strategies in the realistic learning - reflexive practice.
The theory, as a history of life, outlines the didactic knowledge and personal process to redefine and transform myself as a teacher, in two subjects: the reading of the didactics during and the reflection The results show that the training process based on realistic-reflexive practice strategies helps students to acquire more comprehensive reading didactic models which are closer to the appropriation reading models from children.
The reflexive practice, using guided and oriented research, is a good model for trained intervention, particularly in the teachers training, that breaks beliefs and lived experiences, deconstructing these integration model to build new ones with adapting scaffolds
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