Conexiones matemáticas de tipo conceptual en niños de 4 años
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In this article we analyze the conceptual mathematical connections made by twenty four 4-year-old students, as well as their evolution throughout an academic year. To this end, we have compiled systematically the activities carried out by the students in which connections of mathematical concepts have been introduced, in order to subsequently analyze them both qualitatively and quantitatively. Results indicate: 1) That in all activities different types of connections have been observed between concepts, which have allowed us to establish the following learning itinerary: identifications and differentiations, relations, operators, introduction to graphic representation and, finally, approach to mathematical language; 2) That there is a positive evolution of the conceptual connections throughout the course, both in relation to the number of days dedicated to work connections between mathematical concepts, and in relation to the number of children that correctly solve the proposed activities. From these results, it is concluded that it is necessary to work progressively the conceptual connections in the classroom of Early Childhood Education, facilitating the deep understanding of the mathematical concepts on which we have worked