Adaptive Admittance Control in Task-Priority Framework for Contact Force Control in Autonomous Underwater Floating Manipulation
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This paper presents a control architecture for
an underwater vehicle-manipulator system (UVMS) to enable
simultaneous tracking of end-effector configuration and contact
force during floating-base manipulation. The main feature of
the architecture is its combination of a task-priority (TP) kinematic control algorithm with a custom force control strategy,
based on impedance (admittance) control. The TP algorithm
used in the work includes recent treatment of equality and
inequality tasks as well as original concepts to handle operation
in singular configurations of the system. In the force control
part the impedance concept is extended to allow for direct
control over the value of exerted force and torque. Additional
feed-forward signal is used to ensure stable contact. The
performance of the control architecture is demonstrated by
experiments in a test tank, with GIRONA500 I-AUV performing
pipe inspection
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