Communicative action in collaborative governance: striving for consensus to create knowledge and make collective decisions
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This thesis adopts Habermas’s theory of communicative action to explore how consensus-oriented actions contribute to knowledge creation and collective decision-making in collaborative governance processes. Through studying a case of collaborative governance in the city of Berlin, various analytical generalizations concerning these research topics are developed.
The case study shows that when participants orient their actions towards reaching a consensus, they are capable of sharing and assessing knowledge related to desires and emotions, facts, and norms. Furthermore, they can use this knowledge to collectively define problems and propose solutions that meet the goals of stakeholders as far as possible. Nevertheless, acting communicatively does not guarantee that the proposed solutions are adopted. When interests are opposed, participants often have to renounce certain individual wants in order to make collective decisions. If they are not able to prioritize collective goals over individual ones, collaborative governance undertakings might end without agreements. Taking into consideration the results of the analysis, this dissertation proposes differentiating between two types of consensus: communicative consensus, which is attained when participants reach an understanding on the validity of knowledge; and consensus on decisions, which is achieved when they collectively agree on how to act. This research demonstrates that by using communicative action theory, events and interactions can be analysed from the perspective of participants who employ language and communicative rationality to shape collaborative governance processes.
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