El traje mediador del emperador: la desnudez del conflicto en las prácticas artísticas participativas

This text brings up the complex question of participative artistic practices. Changes in modes of transmission, cultural participation and social relations, as well as the emergence of 2.0 technologies, with the creation of new spheres and nets of exchange among different actors, have questioned the traditional dividing chain between producers and consumers. Economical and social crises have given a political and educational turn to many artistic and cultural projects, in dialogue with cultural politics such as Agenda 21, Educational Cities or more neoliberal strategies of cultural industries, that place cultural and artistic dimension into the centre of social, economical, environmental development, involving citizenship, social work, education, mediation and other spheres. The necessity of many art centres, museums, theatres and other equipment, to justify their programs, foster loyalty and attract new publics, but also the irruption of eccentric projects that radiate artistic and educational institutions, highlight the necessity of visibilizing the dilemmas and participatory and collaborative processes as devices of conflict and emergence of differences and diversities ​
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