La experiencia de jóvenes originarios del cono sur latinoamericano que viven en Catalunya: transitar la crisis desde la condición de inmigrante: una lectura desde la perspectiva del empoderamiento = The experience of young people from Latin America in Catalonia: going through the crisis since immigrant status: a reading from the perspective of empowerment
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This article is part of a research in progress that aims to understand the empowerment
processes of young people aged 20-34 from Latin America’s Southern Cone who are living in
Catalonia after a migratory experience. From a total of 50 “Biograms A”, 24 participants
were selected to apply a “Biogram B”. The collected data form an intentional sample of 12
young people, who were then in-depth-interviewed. Each interview concluded with a
graphical representation of their life itinerary. Results related to the notion of crisis, in this
case connected to migratory experience, will be presented. With empirical evidence and
from empowerment perspective, the overcoming of critical moment and the conquered
learnings are confirmed. The conclusion highlights the necessity of reconsidering the sociopolitical participation mechanisms in relation to the integration of young immigrants
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