El uso del castigo como recurso del profesorado del siglo XXI: análisis de reflexiones docentes en un estudio de casos de 4 centros escolares
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The potential use of punishment at High School has been reviewed in this paper. The
research has been performed by different education professionals. Several objectives has
been set up regarding the above mentioned issue. Teacher behavior in troublesome situations has been evaluated, as well as, the reasons why they would use punishment in these
kind of circumstances. It is also important to know which are the most frequently used
punishments and how often they are applied to the same group of students. In this study,
it has been established the difference between punishment and penalty. Foucault’s contributions have also been included in relation to the use of punishment. Four schools have
been included (2 Elementary School and 2 High Schools). Results have been obtained
through an interview to one teacher belonging to each of the schools, as well as, different
forms which have been filled in by different education professionals also belonging to
those schools. Data have been analyzed by means of Nudist Vivo software. Conclusions
and limitations are included in this study, as well as future research lines
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