La incorporación de los fondos de conocimiento e identidad en el medio abierto: los proyectos FICAB y EUCAB
Texto Completo
The main challenge of this thesis, presented as a compendium of publications, is to address the phenomenon of school failure and the lack of meaning of formal learning, from the perspective of funds of knowledge and identity, identity artefacts and the establishment of educational continuities. In this respect, this perspective is applied for the first time in the field of formal education in an Open Access Centre in Ciudad Meridiana (Barcelona). The participants are young people between 15 and 22 years’ old at social risk or in situations of vulnerability. In this regard, the first of the psycoeducational intervention proposals, the Funds of Identity project in an Open Access Centre in Barcelona (FICAB), aims to give new meaning to the school institution. Secondly, the University Expectations programme in an Open Access Centre in Barcelona (EUCAB) aims to increase expectations regarding higher education and university studies
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