El meu fill té autisme, i ara què? Anàlisi de les necessitats de les famílies amb nens amb autisme durant el procés d’avaluació diagnòstica a Catalunya. Disseny d’un programa d’acollida i suport per a famílies
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A number of studies show that the prevalence of ASD is rising in alarming
numbers, currently reaching 1 in every 68 people. The most effective approach
to improve the lives of these children is to support, train and empower their
families from the very first moment that they find out their child’s
condition. The researcher has gathered and compared the few models of postdiagnosis
for families with young children with autism. The author has
created a post-diagnosis support programme merging the analysis of the
programmes already in place in other countries with the specific needs of
families in Catalonia that aims tackling the challenge of autism more
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