Aprendizaje móvil y ciudadanía espacial en la educación para el desarrollo sostenible. Una propuesta para la enseñanza de las ciencias sociales en educación secundaria obligatoria
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This research aims to contribute to the development and improvement of education for sustainable development (ESD) in a society increasingly knowledgeable, reflecting about appropriate ESD practices by promoting the participation and involvement of young people in sustainable development.
The study develops a theoretical framework to promote the didactic proposal xploRAcity, a learning sequence that involves young people in citizen participation through mobile learning and geo-location-based augmented reality.
To develop the research, the interpretive paradigm is used to focus the study on a single context – a secondary school in the Gironès (comarca). This has led to better understanding of the observed reality
The results and the evaluation of the didactic proposal have been materialized in the design of a pedagogical model for EDS in the digital age. And the final conclusions demonstrate that, spatial communication skills are necessary for young people to participate successfully in society
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