Imaginarios de la familia en trabajadores sociales de los servicios sociales comuntarios básicos gallegos de la provincia de Ourense
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The concept of family refers to an institutionalized social construction, which has been
approached from different perspectives, leaving aside its direct relationship with the satisfaction
of human needs, development, care, unions or relationships, production and
reproduction And social order. As sexuality, genealogy, power and citizenship are the basis
of their construction, several typologies of families are identified (Montaño, 2007, Therborn,
2007, Robles & Di Ies, 2012). These have traditionally focused on the professional
action of Social Work.
Taking into account the Basic Community Social Services of the Galician context
of the province of Ourense, a qualitative research is proposed through the theory based
and through an emerging categorization process with the objective of identifying the
perception that 7 have on the family, Galician context and the families that go to their
dependencies. As well as analyzing and producing differences in rural and urban areas.
The results show a great influence of the sociological and juridical discourse, as well
as of the systemic model, in the professionals. Likewise, it is evident that there is a large
plurality of families both in Galicia and in Social Services. It also denotes a clear traditional, moralistic, heteronormative and identifiable discourse with its protective function,
especially in rural areas. For this reason, it is considered necessary to propose formative
and preventive measures to promote a more holistic and plural view of the family
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