“Escoles democràtiques en comú”: primeres notes per produir escoles democràtiques a partir de pràctiques comunitzants
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In Todorov’s words, we are living a fight between the neoliberalism and democracy. In
front of that conflict that is undermining the formal democracy pillars, the paper wants
to present, in an exploratory way, first notes on what could be a democratic commoning
school. To do so, I connect with the trend of thought that, from Dewey, have been emphasising
the necessity that schools educate in, for and about democracy. Today, the social
need of democratic schools is stronger than ever and, related to this, the main goal of the
paper is the proposal to do it through the communing practices. Precisely, Bollier (2014)
and Laval and Dardot (2015) proposed to shift “common” from an adjective (the common
goods) to a verb: commoning. The article explores, from the analytical model of Michel
Foucault (knowledge, power and subjectivity), what could be a democratic school based
on communing practices. Moreover, its relation to what a school (not) should be (Truth);
how (not) should be governed (government); and what kind of identity it (not) should
produce (subjectivity). With this proposal of the democratic commoning schools, I would
like to open up new ways to build up education spaces that transform knowledge, power
relations and identities from the common good perspective
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