Valoració d’una intervenció per reduir el temps sedentari en personal administratiu a través de les tecnologies de la informació i comunicació

Rio Mendoza, Míriam
Introduction Currently, lifestyle and habits of the society are not optimal or healthier. A sedentary lifestyle has gained special importance, for this reason it has become object of study. It’s necessary to encourage and promote a healthy lifestyle, but in this case, through new technologies, an area in constant growth. Objective The present study is to assess the satisfaction of an intervention to reduce sedentary time in the workplace through information and communication technologies (ICT). Methodology We conducted a qualitative study through 10 individual interviews, focused, open-depth and semi-structured format (conversational technique). The study population has been hospital administrative workers. Results The results show that mobile technology is effective respect change sedentary behaviour, making awareness and consequently is interrupted sedentary behaviour voluntarily. Not it happens the same with web technology ​
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