Avenços i reptes actuals de la recerca interdisciplinar sobre des(psico)patologització: tan lluny, tan a prop = Advances and challenges in the interdisciplinary research on de(psycho)pathologization: so far, so close

In this paper we present the depatologizing turn as a new interdisciplinary research field, necessary to problematize the growth of “psy” diagnostics categories. The role of neuro-sciences and genetics as an explanation of human ways of being is analyzed, complying with a shifting of social and economical issues towards psychologized traits and individualization and auto regulation strategies. To do this, eight researches will be presented, developed from feminist, postcolonial and national and international queer studies, in relation with each one of the analysis, reflection, and deconstruction topics that I propose as currently important. These topics are: the psychomedication of child development, of sexuality and other psychosocial pain discomforts, along with the analysis of the appearence of new dis-orders at the workplace. Finally, starting from the psychosocial research itself, I will pre-sent the necessity to accept these new challenges in psychological, psychosocial and medi-cal research ​
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