Notes sobre resistència pagesa i paisatges agraris en els dominis de Lloseta-Aiamans i l’alqueria s’Estorell, 1428-1532

The process of appropriation of land by the aristocracy which took place in Mallorca in the fifteenth century was very uneven geographically and socially. The purpose of th paper is to investigate the factors that may explain this unequal intensity in the alienation of peasant land. The study is based on the court rolls of the crown and of manors in the Lloseta district. The authors show that in this district the formation of estates was more intense in the mountains than on the plains. Most of the lands were sold by the families of wealthy peasants. Finally, they identify some of the factors that could explain the nature of those different pathways: everyday forms of peasant resistance to relinquishing land, agrarian landscapes and the territorial interests of the aristocracy ​
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