Online path planning for autonomous underwater vehicles under motion constraints

The most common applications of autonomous underwater vehicles (AUVs) include imaging and inspecting different kinds of structures on the sea. Most of these applications require a priori information of the area or structure to be inspected, either to navigate at a safe and conservative altitude or to 2/2 pre-calculate a survey path. However, there are other applications where it's unlikely that such information is available (e.g., exploring confined natural environments like underwater caves). In this respect, this thesis presents an approach that endows an AUV with the capabilities to move through unexplored environments. To do so, it proposes a computational framework for planning feasible and safe paths online. This approach allows the vehicle to incrementally build a map of the surroundings, while simultaneously (re)plan a feasible path to a specified goal. The framework takes into account motion constraints in planning feasible paths, i.e., those that meet the vehicle's motion capabilities ​
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