Scattered radiation in DBT geometries with flexible breast compression paddles: A Monte Carlo simulation study
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Scattered radiation is an undesired signal largely present in most digital breast tomosynthesis (DBT) projection images as no physically rejection methods, i.e. anti-scatter grids, are regularly employed, in contrast to full- field digital mammography. This scatter signal might reduce the visibility of small objects in the image, and potentially affect the detection of small breast lesions. Thus accurate scatter models are needed to minimise the scattered radiation signal via post-processing algorithms. All prior work on scattered radiation estimation has assumed a rigid breast compression paddle (RP) and reported large contribution of scatter signal from RP in the detector. However, in this work, flexible paddles (FPs) tilting from 0° to 10° will be studied using Monte Carlo simulations to analyse if the scatter distribution differs from RP geometries. After reproducing the Hologic Selenia Dimensions geometry (narrow angle) with two (homogeneous and heterogeneous) compressed breast phantoms, results illustrate that the scatter distribution recorded at the detector varies up to 22% between RP and FP geometries (depending on the location), mainly due to the decrease in thickness of the breast observed for FP. However, the relative contribution from the paddle itself (3-12% of the total scatter) remains approximately unchanged for both setups and their magnitude depends on the distance to the breast edge
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