Recent Approaches for the Manufacturing of Polymeric Cranial Prostheses by Incremental Sheet Forming
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This paper presents recent research experiences developed with the aim of manufacturing cranial prostheses in
polymeric sheet using Incremental Sheet Forming (ISF) technologies. With this purpose, different approaches have
been carried out in Single-Point Incremental Forming (SPIF) and Two-Point Incremental Forming (TPIF) in order to
produce customized cranial implants using different polymeric materials. In this context, this research work provides
a methodology to design and manufacture polymer customized cranial prostheses using the ISF technologies starting
from a patient’s computerized tomography (CT). The results demonstrate the potential of manufacturing polymeric
cranial prostheses by ISF in terms of the high formability achievable and show the appropriate geometrical accuracy
at affordable manufacturing costs provided by these processes