Desenvolupament de la intersubjectivitat secundària a través del joc compartit mare-infant

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Intersubjectivity is a primary system of motivation that around the ninth month of life changes and goes from a "person to person" to a "person-person-object" relationship. Although there is a scientific consensus on this developmental leap, few empirical studies have explored the development of the intersubjectivity between the second and third year of life. 27 mother–child dyads were followed longitudinally in a home free-play sessions. 114 sessions were categorized using the Coding System of the Intersubjective Attunement. The data were analyzed using a Linear Mixed Effects Model. Results show a fixed effects trajectory around a random variability that is postulate as population trajectory. As this levels of intersubjective attunement appear (emerge) and disappear (transform in a more complex gestalt) in specific moments in the ontogeny, we propose viewing these age related levels as windows of achievement of intersubjective milestones. We present also the scaffolding trajectory of intersubjective attunement ​
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