Competencias emocionales en la Formación Inicial Docente = Emotional competences in initial teacher training
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This work raises the first phase of a quasi-experimental descriptive research, comparison between the experimental group and control group,which aims to develop, implement and evaluate a proposal for insertion of emotional competence in the teaching careers at the University of Playa Ancha, in the context of a process of curriculum innovation in this center of studies. In a first step, prior to the development of the proposal, an assessment of the level of perceived emotional intelligence is established, using the TMMS-24 instrument (Trait Meta-Mood Scale) in a sample of students from 1st year, making analysis according to the dimensions of attention, clarity and repair. Secondly, it is implemented a program that incorporates the dimensions, which only works with an experimental group. Subsequently, a year after the end of the program, is to apply the instrument to the students evaluated initially. The results show the significant progress that appear in students in the experimental group, in addition to the achievements and difficulties revealed during the process, demonstrating the need to address the insertion of emotional competencies in the curriculum of the careers of Pedagogy