Auditory Target and Novelty Processing in Patients with Unilateral Hippocampal Sclerosis: A Current-Source Density Study

Vilà Balló, Adrià
François, Clément
Cucurell, David
Miró, Júlia
Falip, Mercè
Juncadella, Montserrat
Rodríguez Fornells, Antoni
The capacity to respond to novel events is crucial for adapting to the constantly changing environment. Here, we recorded 29-channel Event Related Brain Potentials (ERPs) during an active auditory novelty oddball paradigm and used for the first time Current Source Density-transformed Event Related Brain Potentials and associated time-frequency spectra to study target and novelty processing in a group of epileptic patients with unilateral damage of the hippocampus (N = 18) and in healthy matched control participants (N = 18). Importantly, we used Voxel-Based Morphometry to ensure that our group of patients had a focal unilateral damage restricted to the hippocampus and especially its medial part. We found a clear deficit for target processing at the behavioral level. In addition, compared to controls, our group of patients presented (i) a reduction of theta event-related synchronization (ERS) for targets and (ii) a reduction and delayed P3a source accompanied by reduced theta and low-beta ERS and alpha event-related synchronization (ERD) for novel stimuli. These results suggest that the integrity of the hippocampus might be crucial for the functioning of the complex cortico-subcortical network involved in the detection of novel and target stimuli ​
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