Consumo intensivo de alcohol y conductas sexuales de riesgo en población universitaria = Binge drinking and risk sexual behavior among college students
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Binge Drinking is a particularly problematic consumption pattern, who represent a major health and social problem. Certain studies indicate a clear relationship between Binge Drinking and unsafe sex.
Objectives. This paper proposes study the prevalence of this type of consumption among the population of young students of Social Education of the University of Girona and, moreover, to analyze the relationship between Binge Drinking and sexual behavior risk. Methodology.
Participants were 172 students (143 women) of the Grade of Social Education recruited during school hours.
Subjects participated voluntarily. It was used an ad hoc questionnaire drawn form the review literature. Results.
Participants were 172 people (143 women and 29 men), 65.2% of the population of students of ES (Social Education). Regarding the analyzed sexual behaviors, the subjects showing pronounced Binge Drink were presenting significantly higher scores for a increased chance of contracting sexual transmitted diseases, engaging in unprotected sex with strangers, and greater difficulty in setting limit and protect themselves.
Discussion and conclusions. These results show the need to develop preventive measures towards heavy drinking, and on the other hand, interventions that address sexual health and alcohol and drugs in an integrated manner
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