Violencia entre pares en el contexto escolar (bullying) y bienestar subjetivo: factores de riesgo y protección para la salud en la infancia y adolescencia
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The general aim of this doctoral dissertation is to analyse the relationship between peer violence in the school environment, subjective well-being and other psychosocial factors from the individual, family, school, and community contexts, from an ecological perspective. The sample consists of 910 children and adolescents in years 6 and 7 of primary school (M = 11.90 years old; SD = 1.21), of 27 primary schools – both state-run and private, urban and rural – of Ceará state, northeastern Brazil. The following instruments were used: Self-esteem, Social Support, Parental Demandingness and Responsiveness, School Climate, Sense of Community, Perception of Control, Perceptions and Satisfaction of Developmental Contexts of Home, School, Neighbourhood, Family Conflict, Peer Victimization and Aggression scale among peers, the Single item on Overall Life Satisfaction, Personal Well-being Index School Children and the Students’ Life Satisfaction Scale. The main results indicate that: i) there is negative relationships between the behaviours of victimization and aggression and the well-being of participants, and a positive relationship between their well-being and developmental context indices (school, home, neighbourhood) and social support (family and friends); ii) the groups of victims, perpetrators and perpetrator-victims obtained lower mean values of subjective well-being, social support and developmental contexts compared to the group not involved in bullying; iii) the variable bullying, alone or in interaction with the variables of perceptions of developmental contexts of home, school, neighbourhood, school climate, is the variable that has most impact on the well-being of the studied population; iv) twenty-seven indicators were found to be associated with bullying
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