La vida independiente de las personas con discapacidad intelectual. Análisis de los apoyos y las barreras que inciden en la consecución de sus proyectos de vida
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The aim of this study is to explore the obstacles and supports that according to people with intellectual disabilities (ID) living in Catalonia impact on their right to independent living, as set out in the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (United Nations, 2006).
An in-depth individual interview has been conducted for adults with ID, a discussion group with family members, and another with staff. A thematic analysis of the information has been carried out. At the same time, an advisory committee composed of people with ID has collaborated in the research process.
People with IDs point to support and barriers related to home, life and community participation, couple and own-family projects, money management and protection measures as elements that condition their right to independent living
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