Analysis of the interactivity in a teaching and learning sequence with novice rugby players: the transfer of learning responsibility and control

Llobet Martí, Bernat
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This thesis is a compilation of 3 articles, and the main focus of attention is the learning transfer mechanism. The first article explains the Rugby Attack Assessment instrument, a tool that assesses game performance of rugby union during a 5v5 small-sided game, taking into account simple actions and more complex tactical behaviours. The second paper explores the use of the Integrated Technique-Tactical Model used during the teaching and learning sequence, and reports the learning outcomes of this sequence. Results at a macro-level show no significant improvements. Results at a micro-level show an increase of some tactical behaviours frequencies. The third article analyses the interactivity among participants and the transfer of learning responsibility from the coach to the players. The units of analysis are the segments of interactivity. Results show that this process is linked to a slight decrease of segmentation, and mainly to the transfer of reflection from specific segments of discussion to reflections done during the guided practice ​
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