Evaluación de las propiedades de materiales compuestos fabricados a partir de fibras semiquímicas de Leucaena collinsii y polipropileno
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This thesis studies the effect produced by the reinforcement of polypropylene with a semichemical fibre of Leucaena collinsii in the mechanical, thermal and water uptake properties.
Samples with different reinforcement content are obtained and stabilized in a climatic chamber for 48 hours before being tested to tensile, flexural and the termal properties are studied by TGA, DSC, TMA, DMA and thermal conductivity test. Finally, the water uptake maximum capacity was determined.
The addition of increasing quantities of reinforcement increases the maximum resistance and stiffne of the material, but a diminution of the deformation capacity was observed. None of the thermal transitions were affected by the addition of reinforcement. However, the crystallinity increased when increasing the fiber content
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