Els fragments hebreus amb aljamies catalanes de l'Arxiu Històric de Girona: estudi textual, edició paleogràfica i anàlisi lingüística

Valls i Pujol, Esperança
In this thesis, we provide the palaeographic edition and the translation of the Hebrew manuscript fragments of the Historical Archives of Gerona with Catalan written in Hebrew characters (14th-15th centuries), reused as book bindings of medieval notarial books. Textual and linguistic analyses are provided for this entire corpus, and, through this examination, we value the use of the language among the Jewish community. The collection contains a diverse typology of documents of which we present an overview. We have found many pages from moneylender registers concerning money lent predominantly to merchants from Gerona and their surroundings and also related to taxation. So we also focus on the study and contextualization of such economic manuscripts. ​
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