La resignificació de l'escola: el projecte Fons d'Identitat al Centre Obert de Ciutat Meridiana, Barcelona (FICAB)
Text Complet
The “Funds of Identity in an Open Center of `ciudad meridiana´, Barcelona” project (FIOCB) is inspired by the methodology and principles of action-research program known as Funs of Knowledge (Esteban-Guitart, 2011) and Identity (Esteban-Guitart & Moll, 2014). The project has involved six participants aged between 15 and 17 years of distinct social and cultural origin. The project was developed through 9 sessions. Several techniques such as identity song or learning spiral were used in order to detect and use the students’ identity. We conclude with the development of a poster that integrates various identity texts of the participants about the sense of school and education