Analyzing effects of cooling and lubrication conditions in micromilling of Ti6Al4V

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The aim of this work is to characterize the effect of cooling and lubrication conditions on micromilling of Ti6Al4V. This work is carried out by way of varying the cooling conditions in feed and against direction conditions in micro-channel manufacturing processes such as Dry machining, Jet application and Minimum Quantity Lubrication (MQL). Results are obtained by evaluating the performance of the lubrication conditions with respect to accuracy, surface quality, tool wear, burr formation and geometric shape. According to the experimental results, using MQL when micromilling Ti6Al4V to improve microchannel achieved dimensions, surface finish, and reduce the tool wear, has a significant effect on accuracy. Green machining concerns are related to sustainability and aim to reduce the use of cutting fluids thus using MQL in micromilling represents a significant reduction in cutting fluid consumption ​
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