Estanys de l’Albera i basses dels secans de Lleida: quines característiques ambientals determinen les seves comunitats i la seva biodiversitat?

In this study we have compared the biological communities inhabiting seasonal pools in two different areas in Catalonia: the Albera mountain range and the Lleida steppes. We aimed at identifying the environmental variables that determine community composition in those habitats, as well as at describing the biodiversity attributes, the dynamics throughout the hydroperiod, and eventual relationships among taxonomic groups in terms of species richness. We observed interregional differences in community dynamics, with higher change between subsequent visits being observed in Albera rather than in Lleida seasonal pools, a pattern consistent across all the study groups. Regarding species richness patterns, we observed that most of the relationships across taxonomic groups did not hold when considering both regions. Therefore, we suggest climate may break, at a regional level, eventual biodiversity patterns existing at the local scale ​
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