Una experiencia de investigación inclusiva: personas con discapacidad intelectual como asesoras en una investigación sobre transición a la edad adulta = An inclusive research experience: people with intellectual disabilities as advisors in a research about transition to adult life
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Despite the growing recognition of the social inclusion of people with disabilities, their participation in disability research is still a pending issue. The aim of this paper is to present a research developed through an inclusive approach consisting on the participation of people with intellectual disabilities in an Advisory Committee. Firstly, we present the main characteristics of the Inclusive Research; secondly, we explain the process undertaken stablishing, implementing and developing an Advisory Board in a research about transition to adult life. From this experience, diverse reflections on the contributions of the inclusion of people with disabilities in research are provided and the need for their inclusion is valued to enhance research on disability.This work aims to contribute to disseminating information on the actions that we need to set up to facilitate the inclusion of people with intellectual disabilities in research