Els Sorell (Trachurus trachurus): estudi dels paràsits i la seva conservació i durabilitat
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The aim of this work was to study the factors that affect the quality and preservation of the
horse mackerel (Trachurus trachurus, F. Carangidae), for the consumer and also in order to
extend its commercial life. The study was divided into three sections: the study of parasites;
the migration process and excapsulation of these parasites after the death of the fish; and
degradation of the fish through the study of quality indices.
Parasitic nematodes belonged to two different genera of F. Anisakidae: Anisakis and
Hysterothylacium. In the case of Hysterothylacium, there were always larvae of the species H.
aduncum: larva 3 (L3) L4 (last stage before the adult) and step 3 to 4 larvae (L3-L4). Regarding
Anisakis, we differentiated between type I and type II level (specific determination requires
molecular studies), always at larval stage 3 (L3). The presence of Anisakis was observed mainly
in medium-sized fish, while H. aduncum was detected more frequently in larger fish.
This differential distribution of parasites was related to a change in diet depending on the size
of fish. Crustaceans being the main prey of young ones and instead, fish, were the dominating
prey on the old ones. Mindful that anisakids nematodes can cause problems in allergic
consumers, it raised the need to know the location of these parasites in the host, not only in
fresh fish but also once time had passed.
Both the analysis of the distribution of the parasites and the excapsulation and migration
process were done with medium-sized individuals. All the parasites were Anisakis type I. In
fresh fish, parasites were observed mainly in the digestive tract. As the days passed, their
presence could be observed, especially, in the visceral cavity. Parasites were never observed
encapsulated in the muscles, but instead, there was penetration of parasites in the meat from
the third day on.
Finally, the "Quality Index Method" (QIM) showed no significant differences in the overall
analysis of all attributes and organoleptic quality of tissues, including the whole fish and the fish
without viscera (gutted). Nevertheless, aspect and colour analyses of the flesh showed
significant differences. Additionally there was a personal test of acceptability, which gave
significant differences between the samples of whole fish and without viscera (gutted)