Optimization of process parameters for pulsed laser milling of micro-channels on AISI H13 tool steel

This paper focuses on understanding the influence of laser milling process parameters on the final geometrical and surface quality of micro-channel features fabricated on AISI H13 steel. Optimal selection of process parameters is highly critical for successful material removal and high dimensional and surface quality for micro-sized die/mold applications. A set of designed experiments is carried out in a pulsed Nd:YAG laser milling system using AISI H13 hardened tool steel as work material. Arrays of micro-channels have been fabricated using a range of process parameters such as scanning speed (SS), pulse intensity (PI), and pulse frequency (PF). The relation between process parameters and quality characteristics has been studied with experimental modeling. Multi-criteria decision making for material and process parameter selection for desired surface quality and dimensional accuracy is investigated using an evolutionary computation method based on particle swarm optimization (PSO) ​
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