La traducción de la 'Arcadia' de Sannazaro por Jerónimo Jiménez de Urrea. Estudio y edición crítica de la égloga XII
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Sannazaro’s Arcadia’s success in XVI century Spain was preceded by and coexisted with other translations. Their analysis offers remarkably interesting data about the Arcadia’s reception, recognition and acceptance at the time. After a partial adaptation of Prose viii by Garcilaso in his Eclogue II, and Diego López de Ayala’s and Diego de Salazar’s first complete translation published in 1547, there were three other ex novo versions, the ones by Jerónimo de Urrea, Juan Sedeño and Licenciado Viana, which still remain unpublished nowadays. An extract of Jerónimo de Urrea’s translation is published, for the first time in a critical edition, in this essay. In order to accomplish it we have chosen the Eclogue xii, which is the most ambitious and thorough. Eclogue XII also embodies and summarises the sense and significance of Sannazaros’s work. We depict his manuscript whose permits and licenses guarantee and confirm a process clearly aimed at text printing